Kostenloser Standard Versand innerhalb der EU für Bestellungen über 250 €
Kostenloser Standard Versand innerhalb der EU für Bestellungen über 250 €
If you have questions about a product or your order, need help in finding the right product or we can help you otherwise, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is looking forward to your call, your email or chat message.We strive to process your request as soon as possible.
Our Conrad Hasselbach customer service can be reached by e-mail: support@conradhasselbach.de
Our Conrad Hasselbach Chatbot is about the chat window, which you are on the rightFind this screen for you around the clock.
Located in the chat window a green point "We usually answer immediately, "says a member of our team for your questions directly.
If you want to communicate directly via the chat with an employee, you can achieve this at the following opening hours:
Our employees are also available by phone:
Germany: +49 (0) 40 43 09 13 13
In addition, you can use the customer service menu under the FAQFind the most frequently asked questions to find the right answer to your question.
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